My Weblog

November 14, 2006

Muslim Women as Human Shields

Filed under: Global Jihad, Islam, Terror — limewoody @ 8:15 am

Would any American, European or Israeli man call for his wife, mother, sister or daughter to come into a fire-fight and stand as a human shield to protect him? The Arab Muslim Palestinians, on the other hand, think nothing of using women, children and the elderly as “human shields.”

These are the great macho Muslim men who take such pride in their self-perceived masculinity. They not only called up their women as shields, but called for women’s dresses to disguise themselves and escape within the crowd. Worse yet, after they became “females,” some of the escaping terrorists fired their weapons from the crowd of women, drawing fire from the Israelis who were after the terrorists using the mosque as a hiding place. The Israelis’ return fire struck the crowd of women who were shielding the escaping male terrorists, killing two women and injuring some 10 others.

What heroic figures, what role models for their children. Would you hide behind the skirts of your mother, wife, sisters or daughters so you could escape?

I recall how Ayatollah Khomeini, in his war with Iraq, sent children to run across Iraqi minefields so that Iranian soldiers might cross safely. But, not to worry, Khomeini gave them slips of paper that told the children that they would soon be in Muslim warriors’ heaven. Of course, many did not die, but merely had their limbs blown off, so they could live the rest of their lives as maimed cripples.

There were many other instances where the heroic Muslims used their civilians as “human shields.” In their several wars with Israel, many of the Arab adversaries – such as Egypt, Syria, the Arab Muslim Palestinians under Yasser Arafat in Lebanon – used to place their anti-aircraft guns on the roofs of schools, hospitals and civilian apartment buildings. If the ground-to-air missile batteries were too heavy and hard to re-load, some missile batteries were actually placed in school yards at ground level.

When they were hit by Israeli aircraft, the Muslims would bleat and howl about how the “inhuman Israelis were killing their children and blowing up their hospitals.”

In the recent attacks by the Hizbullah from Lebanon, they indiscriminately launched their Katyusha rockets against any Israeli city their missiles could reach. Many of the launchers were pre-positioned in Arab civilian houses, apartment buildings, schools and hospitals. The launchers kept in the living rooms of apartments were on wheels: when the Hizbullah fighters were ready to fire, they rolled the Katyusha launcher out onto the balcony, fired and then withdrew back into the apartment. This, of course, made both the apartment and the whole building, inhabited by civilians, a must-hit target. As for the so-called civilians, they either cheered their guests, who were family to them, or had little choice in hosting the Hizbullah shooters.

In southern Lebanon, the Hizbullah were funded, supplied and trained by Iran and Syria. Iran and Syria are still smuggling weapons across the border from Iran through Syria, under the eyes of the MNF (Multi-National Force). In southern Lebanon, the Hizbullah dug tunnels, built bunkers, loaded those bunkers with Katyusha missiles, often within a few hundred feet of the soldiers of UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Forces In Lebanon).

Sadly, UNIFIL, and now the MNF, act as silent partners to Hizbullah while pretending to be impartial peacekeepers. The presence of UN troops often keeps Israel from shooting back at Hizbullah near UNIFIL or MNF outposts. Sometimes, not. When Israel was forced to shell an area from where the Katyusha rockets were being launched and hit a UNIFIL post, Kofi Annan and the pro-Arab UN threw a fit and voted condemnation. They never voted condemnation of the Lebanese government, which was supposed to put their army at the Lebanese-Israeli border, disarm and disband Hizbullah – preventing them from attacking Israel – but which never did.

Terrorists would slip past UNIFIL positions to cross into Israel, but were never stopped or challenged by UNIFIL. If the terrorists were successful in a terrorist attack, they merely slipped back past the UNIFIL soldiers with a wink and a nod. Of course, the UNIFIL soldiers could not resist a cash bribe, always denied by Kofi Annan.

“History spin” is already being written by the Left and the liberal media, as they cast terrorists as some sort of heroes for escaping a mosque in which they hid behind a shield of women. The media then demonizes Israel for chasing these “poor, innocent Muslims.” Meanwhile, the firing of Kassam rockets on Israeli towns is reported as a matter of fact, but not a very important event. The “spin” for the reader is to accept Arab terrorism and missile fire at Israeli civilians as a kind of naturally expected custom of Arabs. So, don’t think too much about it.

But according to the media, and some in the Washington administration, for Israel to attack in retribution is both unnecessary and constitutes excessive force.

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