My Weblog

August 30, 2006

Update on comment see below

Filed under: Reply on comments — limewoody @ 7:58 am

Update on a comment.

August 29, 2006

Filed under: Education, Islam, Mellemøsten, Reply on comments, Terror — limewoody @ 4:56 pm


The fact that the islamic world has a huge problem with knowledge and rational thought and it has been pointed out that: 

From Pedestrian Infidel: 

And the Islamic world? This one-sixth of humanity, over one billion people, manages to place only one university on the list (Cairo University, Egypt, ranks in at #414). Countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, etc. cannot manage to place any schools anywhere on this list.

Indeed, an average US State (Oregon, pop 3.4 million) has more academic achievement (three Oregon schools on the list) than all of Dar-al-Islam. Israel (pop. 7 million) in particular is a center of excellence, averaging one world-class university for every 875,000 people.

This proves what most of us already knew. Islam (’moderate’ or otherwise) destroys

critical, rational thought–Islam is in fact the very antithesis of progress……………..

a comments like the following can be found on yours truly blog:

My comments in bold:


Your words show nothing more than racism to a holy religion just like the religion you believe in ( I´m sorry – but as I see it islam is a racist religion so please explain what DHIMMI is ). You ignorance of Islam led you to this dirty comment, and for your information, europe and of course the americas owe the islamic world hundreds of years before even israel existed the knowledge they have, thanks to islamic scientists in physics, mathematics and so on. ( So islam existed before Israel – will you please prove this. 1) As Israel a state has existed roughly since 1500 before Christ and islam has existed since 511 after Christ – you will have to come up with some hard facts and as islam did not exist before Israel 2) there can be no islamic science. Most of what you term as islamic science were stolen from the people the islamic barbars slaughtered – by the way what does Hindu Kush mean?).
The first verse to be in the Quraan says,”iqra’” which means READ (in arabic), Islam also makes WORK as a means of worship to God ( Now this is funny: Mussulmen always say that the koran has to be read in arabic and that it cannot be translated – how come you can translate the koran and how can we be sure that your translation is correct?). SO STOP YOUR LIES. ( Please expain the terms “kitman” and taqqiya”). If god (Please do not mix GODs name with the plotter that is called allah) wills (insha’allah)(…There you go…) the islamic world will be soon strong again and defeat you ( Ahhhhh a threat…..islam means PEACE after all – peace from everybody else but islam – this IS really tolerant and broadminded.
Innocent children in palestine throwing rocks at the Israelies who kill Women and Children are NOT TERRORISTS or people defending their families from israeli raids against innocent people in lebanon are NOT TERRORISTS. (What have the lebanese and jordanian arabs to do with this – I thought the subject of this were why the islamic world is so utterly bacwards in scientific terms – I think you are providing some of the answers by the way you are argumenting).
 ًWhen people defend their country they are not terrorists.

( It is nice to know that you think it is ok for the Copts of Egypt, the christians of Iraq, the Jews in Iran, the Hindus of India, the buddhists of Thailand, the animists of Sudan to kill mussulmen?) 

You are really a man of peace – I will pray that you come to terms with your hate.

Pax Vobiscum



August 4, 2006

Update on Radioactive Material found in Bulgaria…

Filed under: Reply on comments — limewoody @ 4:40 pm

Limewoody: By now I cannot find his wherabouts but someone called Toby posted this comment:

I am amazed at the twisting of facts. The original allegations that radiation levels of 200 times the allowed level have now been withdrawn and the Authorities admit that the level is now as it was declared!!!
Goods are soil testing machines for the Ministry of Transport and not the Ministry of defence!!!
Goods originally imported from USA by a British firm and the declared level of radiation is the same as that declared by the Amercans!!
The radio active amount in these machines is not higher or different to that available in many Scanning machines all over hospitals in Iran. If the Iranians can extract the radio active materials from these machines at the Bulgarian border, then why cant they extract it from the available machines in their hospitals??

It is obvious that the sensationlism of this story is more important than the facts especially under the current poliltical climate.
I challenge you to publish my reply.

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